Streamlining Your Shipping and Fulfillment Operations To Grow Your Business in 2023

3 Minutes Read

Do you want to avoid dealing with slow and unreliable shipping, stockouts, and dissatisfied customers? Customers expect fast and reliable delivery in today’s fast-paced and competitive marketplace, and businesses that cannot provide it risk losing out to competitors. This post will go over the advantages of using a third-party logistics provider, how to stay competitive in today’s eCommerce marketplace, and strategies for improving efficiency and lowering costs.



The Benefits of Outsourcing Logistics: Why it’s Worth it For eCommerce Businesses

Time is valuable, and as a business owner, you only have so many hours in the day to get everything done. Logistics is one area in your operations that can take up a great amount of time and resources. However, with the support of 3PL companies, you can free up time that could be better spent on other areas of your business’s growth. Instead of having your team pack and ship orders, you could have them work in other areas of your business.


Here are a few ways that outsourcing your shipping to third-party logistics services can help your business save time:

  1. Sales and Marketing: This should always be your primary focus. You can commit more time and resources to sales and marketing in order to generate more leads and increase revenue. This can include activities like networking, going to trade shows, and creating marketing campaigns.
  2. Product Development: By outsourcing logistics, you can spend more time developing products. You can research products, create prototypes, and test new products to bring them to market faster.
  3. Customer Service: You and your team can also focus on providing excellent customer service. This includes responding to customer inquiries, addressing customer concerns, and implementing customer feedback to improve products and services.
  4. Business Expansion: In order to grow your company, you must keep bringing in big ideas and vision. Use the time to research new opportunities. For example, opening new locations, launching new products, or entering new markets.

When you partner with a 3PL provider, they handle various logistics tasks, such as inventory management, packaging and shipping, and returns and exchanges. At the same time, you and your team can continue to make customers happy and bring in more business. 


How To Stay Competitive in The eCommerce World With The Help of a 3PL Provider

In the online world, staying competitive is essential for businesses to survive and thrive. With more and more companies turning to online sales, standing out in your shipping and customer service has become more critical than ever. This comes second to your sales and marketing efforts. For example, 70% of Americans are currently shopping online. By 2022, the number of U.S. online shoppers is expected to grow to 268 million. By 2025, this is predicted to go up to 285 million. 

Using 3PL services can help you stay on top of your online customer service and establish your eCommerce business as trustworthy. Third-party logistics companies, for example, have the expertise and resources to optimize shipping routes and negotiate lower rates with carriers. This can result in lower shipping costs for your business and can be passed on to your customers in the form of lower prices. Customers are always looking for the best prices, so this can be highly beneficial for your online store.


Strategies To Improve Efficiency and Reduce Costs With a 3PL Provider

Are you looking for other ways to cut costs and be more efficient in your business? With a third-party logistics (3PL) provider, not only can they streamline your processes in order fulfillment and shipping, but they can also help you in other areas. Below are a few more strategies that you can take advantage of when partnering with a 3PL provider: 

  • Additional Storage Space: 3PL providers can offer extra warehouse space for businesses running out of room to store their products. This can help companies keep more products without investing in new facilities or equipment.
  • Improve Transportation: This includes routing and scheduling tools that consider traffic, weather, and delivery deadlines to determine the most efficient routes.
  • Kitting Services: This is a valuable tool to improve customer satisfaction and build your brand recognition. Kitting involves grouping various products into a single package or kit, which can be used for multiple purposes, such as marketing promotions, product bundling, or customized packaging. For example, they can pack your outgoing orders using branded boxes and tissue paper for a custom packaging experience your customers’ have come to expect from their favorite brands. You can also create product bundles or special kits that can be used as giveaways or to create limited-time promotions. 


Maximize Your Productivity & Customer Satisfaction With Ship My Orders!  

Are you looking for the right 3PL provider to handle your third-party order fulfillment needs? At Ship My Orders, we understand the importance of maximizing productivity and streamlining operations. We have shipped hundreds of thousands of domestic and international orders and offer stress-free fulfillment, without any long-term contracts, setup fees, or hidden fees. Cutting down order processing times allows us to thoughtfully pack and coordinate shipments with established mail carriers, ensuring that your orders are shipped quickly and efficiently. 



Picture of Dan R.

Dan R.
